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Page editing and options

by Gene — posted on 5 April 2022

As described in the previous chapter, content pages are simple text files written using Markdown syntax, and also have front matter data where is possible to specify the page layout, metadata, and other options for the current content.


layout: basic.liquid
tags: blog
group: blog
options: highlight ext-links
order: 2
coverPreview: ./images/cover-preview.png
coverImage: ./images/cover.png
title: My page title
description: My page description (used for page metadata)
author: Gene
pubDate: 2022-02-12 12:22
- Blog
- Lifestyle
- Travel

# Hello World!

Welcome to my blog about...

Front matter data

As shown in the example above, front matter data is enclosed in a block delimited by the sequence: ---. Inside this block, data can be specified in the form <field_name>: <value>, using the YAML syntax.

The following fields can be used in the front matter:


Sets the page layout to be used for the current content. Different page layouts are available depending on the starter template that is being used. The base zuix-web-starter includes only one kind of page layout:

To see layouts from other starter templates, referrer to the documentation included in the online demos of each template.

Adding a custom layout

Layouts are located in the ./source/_inc/layouts folder.
A layout consists of a .liquid file and, optionally, a folder with the same base name of the layout file, that may contain additional files required for the layout implementation.

So, to create a new layout, add <layout_name>.liquid file to the ./source/_inc/layouts folder.
Then, to use the new layout, specify its name in the layout field of the page's front matter.

The ./source/_inc folder, is also used to place common page's bits that can be reused across different layouts:

Example of a minimal layout template:


{% include "head_open.liquid" %}
{% include "./my-new-layout/style.css" %}
{% include "head_close.html" %}

{{ content | safe }}

{% include "body_end.liquid" %}
{% include "html_close.html" %}


Tags are keywords used to create collections of pages that can then be enumerated using these tags.


The group indicates to which content section the page belongs to. For example, pages under the documentation section (like this one), will have docs value set both on the group and tags fields. While the tags field can contain multiple values, the group field can only contain one value. This value is used, for instance, to implement navigation between pages belonging to the same content section.


Options are used to enable or disable specific features of a page layout.

In addition to the options above, other options might be available depending on the template that is being used.

Adding custom options

Custom options can also be added to toggle content blocks, frameworks and utilities.

For example, a bootstrap option can be implemented by adding the following code to the ./source/_inc/head_open.liquid file:

{% if options contains 'bootstrap' %}
<link href="">
<script src=""></script>
{% endif %}

The bootstrap option can then be used to select Bootstrap CSS framework for a page.


Set the listing order of the page, that is mainly used for rendering navigation links and content listing menus, like the one in the footer of this page.


A cover image to show at top of the page (preferred size 1000x400).


Thumbnail of cover image (preferred size 300x120).


The page title.


The page description that will also be added to the page's metadata.


The author of the page


The date to show as publishing date. This field has the precedence over order field when sorting page collections.


A list of keywords that identify this page. Keywords are used by internal search and are also added to page's metadata for search engines as some of them might still use meta keywords for indexing.

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