Context Menu

Animated context menu component that does not require JavaScript coding for a basic use. This component is framework-agnostic, it will play nicely in combination with any UI framework.



1. Import context-menu module

<script type="module">
  import "";

2. Add component to the page

Put inside the #menu field the code of your menu items.

<context-menu z-context="my-menu">

  <div #menu>

    <!-- menu items list -->
    <button>Option 1</button>
    <button>Option 2</button>
    <button>Option 3</button>



1. Include zuix.js library

If not already included, add the following line right before the end of the head section in the HTML document:

<script src=""></script>

2. Add component to the page

Put inside the #menu field the code of your menu items.

<div z-load=""

  <div #menu>

    <!-- menu items list -->
    <button>Option 1</button>
    <button>Option 2</button>
    <button>Option 3</button>



The context menu already provides basic styling for the button element, though you can use any kind of element and custom styling.

Option attributes

  • z-context="<context_id>" optional
    identifier name to be used to access this component from JavaScript.
  • :on:<event_name>="<handler>" optional
    set handler function for event <event_name>


  • open - occurs when the menu opens
  • close - occurs when the menu is closed


Get a reference to the component instance:

zuix.context('my-menu', (menu) => {
  // store a global reference for later use
  self.contextMenu = menu;

Programmatically show/hide:

// show the menu;

// hide the menu


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Support this work
zKit components v1.2.1
web enhancing bits